Thursday, January 5, 2012


Sorry I havnt posted in awhile but really with as many comments as I get I doubt any one noticed. So New years eve was awesome. We had so much fun out of town I cant wait to go back!!

So here is the WTF...Since Christmas I have been struggling with my weight I am up I am a little down then shoot right back up again. So yesterday i stepped on the scale 148.6 OMG I wanted to die I dug out my fat ugly clothes and made myself wear those as a punishment for letting myself get fat. I had ordered some Aciaberry, Green Tea, Hoodia pills on the 3rd I have been tracking Amazon like a mad crazed Stalker hoping they ship soon. I figured if those three are great they would be magnificent combined I guess we will see. Ok sorry got off track, anyways to I hardly ate anything yesterday tried to find the perfect diet and thought of what spare time I might have to get exercising in to help myself. that was it nothing major. Oh and sorry for jumping around but my husband is an ASS!!! so last night after I fixed dinner and got everyone some I did not get me a plate, my husband ask are you going to eat? I said NO I cant I have gained to much weight (in total about 6 lbs after my ups and downs) and he said well what do you except you keep shoving food in your mouth...maybe you should start doing you run/walking again before it gets to bad. WTH are you serious what happened to unconditional love you know the Oh you look fine you dont need to worry on instead I get ya your fat ass could give up a few meals. I wanted to die, cry and then kill him. If he really only knew what his comments really do to me.

Ok so back to my this morning I get up go pee and step on the scale just like I do every freaking morning waiting to see a nice even number of 150 cause that is just how it is going lately and what do I see 144.8 yea I lost almost 4 lbs in 24 hours doing nothing??? Who does that and why when i work my ass off and try to loss weight I never loss anything I am just baffled. I am convinced my scale is broke. (It is barely 6 months old) and have punished myself with fat clothes again today because I just do not believe what I seen.

I am a freak sorry for rambling if you read all of this sorry there 5 minutes of your life you will never get back. Ok I will weigh myself tomorrow but really except to see a large number again and will pray my pills hurry. Write later.


  1. hey girl! i know how you feel... before my hubby deployed i asked him what he though of my weight (it was 118 then) and he said: "well you were just TINY when we started dating" which did not answer my question... and when we were just dating i have no idea what i weighed because my parents had banned me from the scale.... my best guess would be 111 i think because i had finally started to fit in my high school jeans in august when i was about that weight.
    anyway thanks for the comment!! sorry for the ramble.... he comes home early next month and i need to be tiny again.
    i bet gyming would be tough with four kids and all... in august i was working full time so i had less time to go to the gym. i managed to lose all the weight by adding in exercise everywhere. jogging in place while watching tv, leg lifts at work when no one was around, crunches before bed and as soon as i wake up.... it worked
    stay strong!! sorry i never followed you but i am now!

  2. The body is way unpredictable. You never know when or why it's going up or down sometimes. And don't even get me started on scales! It's all so confusing and frustrating. That was very hurtful of your hubby to say those words to you that way. Use it as motivation if you can. Hope that weight loss is REAL.
