Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Week 1 weight in

So yesterday was the first weigh in of the weigh challenge I joined. I looked though all of my clothes to find the lightest thing i had since I have to weigh in with them one. I only had 3 cups of coffee and NO water till after I got there on my lunch. marched in place at work and stepped on the scale yesterday and it read 145.8 last week it was 150 I am feeling pretty good. I just hope I can keep it up. Cash is a great incentive lol...So I am going to start tanning for my trip in March hopefully they have everyones weight on the mirror so I can see how others did.

So had to post my crazy ED out bust from yesterday. My friend is also doing the challenge she had a baby last July so she is still trying to loss a few pounds. Anyway I was leaving coffee yesterday and asked her if she was doing the challenge also, she said yea and I asked her if she weighed in before coming to coffee, she looked at me weird and said no I will just go after. I was like OMG you are going to sit here and drink coffee for an hour then weigh in??? She could not understand why I was freaking out so bad. I cant understand why she would add unneeded weight to her number. I know my firends think I am crazy and it seems the older I get the hard it is to hide my crazy ED thoughts, they just come out of my mouth without me realizing it.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on the weight loss!!! I know really. Why would anyone drink coffee and then weigh in? And at the same time I think it's so awesome that she had no clue why that is totally backwards. Must be nice to not really care so darn much.
