Tuesday, January 31, 2012


God that is exactly what I am completely and udderly worthless. I can not do anything right. I cant loss weight I cant be a descent mom, wife or even friend. I am a drain on the oxygen of someone better than me!!!

I am not sure what is going on at home maybe it is just me but it seems like if my husband and i are even in the same room he starts picking a fight with me. I have just avoided him the last few days to save my sanity. Yesterdays weigh in was a fucking bust. I gained 3 lbs since last week yea that is nice. I mean really how hard is it to either stay the same weight or loss people do it all the time. if i could just stop putting shit in my mouth then I could also be one of those people. I was so embarrassed when I left the weigh in.
My world is falling apart I cant stop it and just sit like a bump on a log and watch it. I dont even complain about it anymore just sit there and watch. I have no want to even try and fight back. just let it be. I need to do something about my weight or just drop out of the challenge I am not one that thinks you should do anything you are not good at and my biggest fear in life is failure and I am failing at everything.


  1. It's not too late to turn things around and whatever you are going through now doesn't have to last forever. You CAN change it. You do have control of your life. Cheer up. Just think about what you want in life and go for it. I know it's hard.

  2. cheer up girlie! there is still time!!! Just keep your goals in mind and think about how much less you will weigh if you just pass up that one craving or something.
    you can do it!!

  3. We all have days/weeks like this.. Husbands - life - food.. It all can just become too much and sometimes it feels like NOTHING is going the way you want/wish.

    Don't give it - and don't drop out. Take one step at the time, and before you know it the results will be huge.

    Things will get better and easier to deal with.. Just don't give up and don't stop :)

  4. Im sorry things arent going well, but they cant always get better. You're not worthless. I'm not married, and not the best at relationship advise but for the food. Sometimes you just gotta let the binges work themselves out and you'll get back on track. I always do, and you will too. Take care!
