Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Not much to say

Basically I just wanted to tell the few new followers I have HI. Thanks for followin me and look forward to your comments.

Next I wanted to say back to Miranda's comment that I am jealous of my friends lack of ED knowledge. I envy their Oh look gained a pound oh well attitude and really I dont ever remember feeling like that. Even when I was little/younger I would get all upset when I would have to go up a size in jeans and then would work really hard to make them loss on me.

I envy them but really can not imagine life any other way??? crazy.


  1. i totally understand!! i get so jealous of my friends just ordering whatever, eating whatever, not really caring. but i just cant do that

  2. Yep. Ignorance would be bliss. Instead we are haunted by numbers and pant sizes.
