Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Late merry Christmas

Sorry I am late on wishing you all merry christmas. I had tons of family all weekend so no time to get on. I just spent most the morning reading everything you lovely ladies had wrote.
So update on life.
I got my final grade in ANT101...worst class EVER Thank god I got a B and my GPA is still 3.62 so I just might make the winter Deans list??
Weight wise I have started to loss ALL of the disgusting weight from the last 2 weeks I am down to 145 this morning. I think I did very well on christmas day also. I am praying that my kids eat the rest of all the homemade goodies on the counter today. hehehe.
So my hubby me and a bunch of friends are going out of town for new Years I have this way cute white pants I want to wear. So I have been trying hard to loss weight. Since saturday I have been wearing this Curves Trimming Shorts in hopes to make my thighs and butt a bit smaller. The pants are a bit tight. also I think I am going to wrap my thighs in plastic wrap for a while on saturday before we go out. I am praying that works. I dont know I have never tried it before. So I will talk to ya all later take care and stay strong.


  1. congratulations on the B, and having a 3.62...I know thats not easy :) Dont worry, im sure youll look amazing on new years, just try to have a good time!

  2. I feel like trimming shorts are sort of a gimmick! It's worth a try though I guess so at least you know. A night out with friends sounds so fun. I still don't know what I'll be doing for NYE.

  3. Congratulations on losing from Christmas celebrations!
    I've never heard of plastic wrap on your legs but it sounds like a good idea.
    Have a great new years!
