Friday, December 2, 2011

Day 2 and am still fat

So this mornings weigh in was 144.6 better than 146.6 from the day before. Total cals from solid food yesterday was 684. Today was not so good. This guy at work made homemade cupcakes so I ate one to make him happy. But that has been it so far. I think I am buying salad tonight fixing my fam grilled cheese sandwiches and tom soup and I will eat salad and maybe some soup.
I wanted to die today...I had a friend that had actually gained quite a bit of weight. Not that I was happy she was fatter than me...ok wait I was but she got a gym membership she works like 2-3 a week and started "bikini" Dancing not striping and today we were at coffee and she was bragging about fitting into her size 1 holsters again I have to shimmy jump around and lay on the bed to fit in my size 7. Any ways I looked at her and she has gotten REALLY skinny again OMG I am the biggest fattest nastiest person on the face of the earth right now. I swear I will be skinny SOON I cant take much more. I am so depressed right now!!!


  1. hmm how much weight do you lose "bakini dancing" i want to try it

  2. I have way too many shoes. It's kind of sick how many pairs I have lol. Still, a girl can never have too many shoes.
    Don't you just hate it when people seem to lose weight faster than you despite the fact you eat much less and work out more? Blah. It's just not fair. xx
