Friday, May 11, 2012

Plan or so I hope

I am such a freak I spend way to much time making this "plans" thinking this will help me and they never do but due to my OCD I always think I need a plan I need to have things drawn out and writen down. So here is my new plan lol From now till at least July Tuesday is an official Fruit and Veggie fast day. Nothing but fruit and veggie. Then on Wednesday it is a coffee and water fast day. I am hoping this will decrees my cal intake enough to see the progress I want to by June. Also starting to morrow is the Jullian Michaels 30 day shed. As far as my weight loss challenge is going well lets just say it is not really going that great up some how I lost another pound I was actually lighter at 12:30 today dressed than I was at 5:30 this morning naked??? I dont know what the hell is goin on but I will take it. Also I want to say Hi and thanks to the few new followers I have gotten. It is nice to hear from you. And to Winter the pants are nothing special actually you will all look at the pic and be like really lady lol. What makes them so special to me is I bought them last year thinking they would fix me. They are destroyer jeans so I cant tug and pull them on you I could rip them where they shouldnt be ripped. I just want to wear them that is all. I hope you all have a great weekend. Stay strong and take care.


  1. I'm such a planner too. I don't really have one right now and it freaked me out at first but now I'm just like whatever. Good luck!

  2. It is always best to try. The plan sounds good to me. Today is the 1st time I am succeeding at my fast 0_o I know what you mean about the scale. Which is strange. You think you would weight less in the morning and more at night. As for the jeans if they mean a lot to you then they mean a lot to me.
    We all have that pair of jeans that is like I have to fit into the, Me myself I have two pairs. One is a size 13 a small size 13, just boot cut and dark denim very slimming effect except they look awful on me due to the muffin top. Then I accidentally brought a pair of size 11 jeans 2 years ago( I know right ) they the light light denim color I love. Anyway enough rambles. I hope your day goes better tomorrow.
