Thursday, May 31, 2012

Nothing to say just felt like writting

I really have nothing to writ about I am just procrastinating at work lol. It is the end of the month and in accounting language that is bad lol. I have tons to do but really dont want to do it. Also I need to finish reading my chapter and write my discussion this is the last week of this stupid class thank god. Oh and more wonderful news. I missed the deans list this time you need a 3.50 or better and I have a 3.49 god it just pisses me off that I could be so lazy that I missed it by that much!gggrrrr Personal news my step-son's baby was born on the 29th I was really hopin it would wait till tomorrow but oh well. He is so cute I feel bad that we just found out but my son and the girl are not on the best of terms right now. Hopefully she is out of the hospital by saturday and I can go see him. I dont really do hospitals so dont want to go there. Also I am toying with the thought of not going to my weigh in tomorrow. If I miss it I'm out and there is only two weeks left I just keep thinking to myself if I skip out on a weigh in this week next week I will loss 20 lbs and since I quit I could not win. Ok FYI I know it is impossible to loss 20 lbs in a week I am just writing down the crazy thoughts in my head lol. Ok well probably should be back to work or school one of them.


  1. I've been not working at work all day long!!

  2. hey,

    I've just found your blog. I have similar addictions to you like food, drugs and alcohol. Also I'm close in age to you too,

    just wanted to reach out and show some love xxx

  3. It's ok to procrastinate ;) Keep your head up sweetie.

  4. Thank is okay, I wish there was a healthy way for us to lose 20lbs in a week. That would be so freakin awesome!

    Tell your son congrats on the little one. I love babies. So cute.

    Sorry you missed the dean's list but you did way better than me. I completely flunked out of one class and I got an A in the other class but that class I liked going to and that teacher made it easy on us and not hard. God bless his heart.

    See you on the next post and hopefully you will get to see that little cute baby by the end of this week.

  5. Working?? I have like 5 mails a day a now a days.. And it's just .. Well I'm not gonna complain.. and I know it wont get any better the next upcoming months due to the summer time..

    Hope you get to see the baby :)

    and to answer your question I do want to know what the baby is - the ultrasound is in 17 days and I really hope that we can see if we are going to have a boy or a girl :)

  6. Hey :) Not smoking is going well I havnt had one since i got that elite, gives me such a bad headache though!xx
