Friday, May 18, 2012

I think I am crazy lol

Have any of you ever went back though your blog and read your own post??? I did this morning...OMH I am psycho lol. If a sane person was to read these they would be like lock that bitch up and keep her away from us lol. So been doin Jillian Michaels 30 day shred for 5 days now and guess what yep I gained weight are you fucking kidding me I am so sick of this shit!!! ok I am sure my half a PB&J sandwich did not help but I can't help it I love them!!! I woke up late this morning so only had time to exercise did not get my measurements taken but hubby works tomorrow also so I will do it tomorrow. I have 4 weeks left of this stupid weigh in so hopefully I can pull a miracle out of my ass. I think if I fail this one also I will delete this blog and never use the words ED or eating issues again because obviously I do not have any. Sometimes I wish I was overweight again or young because it was much easier to loss then. Not much else goin on hopin someone post something soon so i can read it lol. I will write tomorrow.


  1. I love PBJ too! It's like the best sandwich in the whole wide world. At least you only had half. I rarely am able to do that. I'm looking for new posts too! So thank you. I'm bored at work.

  2. lol you are not crazy. To me you are relate-able. You should some of my stuff. I am not in my 30's yet but I have a hard time losing with a slow thyroid at age 26(27 in september) Yes it sucks balls.

    I started working out this week myself. Jogging at that and like I gained weight too. I was so not happy about that. Someone suggested I gained muscle. Funny thing is Jillian michaels herself doesn't even believe that bull.

    Look forward to hearing from you.
