Friday, March 2, 2012

It's Friday

Yes it is friday not that friday is any more special to me that say a tuesday cause it just means that I now have 2 days of different work. House work kid work, and the fight to not visit the kitchen 20 times a day. Our weather has been crazy in the last week I am sure we have gotten over a foot of snow it never ends here till like mid may gggrrr. Tomorrow I am off to the big city to buy me a new dishwasher. I am actually really excited I have not had one in like 21/2 years. My hubby is no Bob Villa tried to fix it once and ruined the floor in the process.

To answer a few questions. I work as the accounts receivable manager at a small business in the town I live in. I have to pace myself at work or I will get all my work done before the end of the day and then have nothing to look busy with lol..Also I have to wait for things like mail and ups so if I have nothing to do and they have not come yet it makes for a long day.

Dying to be pretty...I stalked your blog. I love meeting older people with eating issues I mean I feel for the young girls really i mean I was there 10-15 years ago so I know what they are feeling but when you are now a wife and a mom and live on your own your eating issues take on a whole new level of crap. I am now following all your blogs and look forward to reading your input about mine. I do worry about someone here finding my blog but (and as mean is this is) I doubt mean in this town have an ED and if they do it is COE. also not being a perfect LDS person (which I am not) in this town makes you bad a sinner even so I think that if certain people come across my blog they would never say anything because they would have to explain why they were blogging about an ED to start with. Not sure if that makes sense.

Not much more to write thanks for all your comments and thanks to everyone that follows me. I will try and post something this weekend!


  1. I like encountering people my age with food issues too. Sometimes I feel way to old for this mess but it's nice to know i'm not the only one.

  2. Same here! I find it really interesting and makes me feel like I'm not alone in this struggle. I'm no longer "crazy" because I'm obsessed w/numbers, food, etc.

    I dated an LDS boy once... I felt bad for him. He was definitely looked down upon for what I viewed as normal behavior. ... Dating me, a non-LDS was huge no-no. It must be a struggle for you... Be strong!
