Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Why cant I just get it

I consider myself a some what bright intelligent person. I have my issues but over all I think I get it in the brains department so WHY is the number on the scale my unicorn. I mean when I buy clothes I am not shopping in the plus size section. depending on the store (which really gets to me lol) I wear a 28-29 or 3-7. I know I will never be a size zero I do not even have that size as a goal. mine is all about the number on the scale I see 140 anything and feel like the Pillsbury dough boy. Me and my 14 year old daughter wear almost the same size in pants. she is just a little smaller than me and in shirts since she was gifted with boobs from where i dont know lol. I wear a smaller shirt than her. I do not think she is fat in any way so why do I see myself as fat. huge jumbo thunder thighs that shake the ground when I walk?? Also I hate myself almost every morning, the night before I will have these big plans to exercise for a certain amount of time. I plan the work out then my alarm goes off at 4:30 and some days if I do get up it is after I have hit snooze 3 or 4 times so then I have to cut my work out short and I bitch at myself all day for not getting my fat lazy ass up and working on fixing my problem I would rather lay there and collect more fat cells. I try and reason some sense into myself but I still end up with the same conclusion all the time. Then I wonder what is it that I want exactly. What weight what size what measurements would make me happy. and for being 5 ft 8 inch 35 years old with 3 full term pregnancies (one was twins) I cant except to look like a VS model can I.. Sorry for my babble I just am sick of this thoughts that I can not make any sense of and I should be able to.

I know we all have these crazy thoughts about perfection what do you do to suppress them or work though them

1 comment:

  1. I hate that number! It's all about that for me too but I'm trying really hard to get over it bc it's not getting lower. We have to realize that we are not fat. That damn number is so controlling and arbitrary but we are more then that.
