Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Have to ask

Is anyone else having trouble seeing the Blogs they are following? It is really starting to piss me off. I hated this new lay out the first time found a way to change it and then they fixed it so we all had to have it again. I really hate change (unless it is my weight going down lol) and then when the change doesnt work right it really makes it worse. Am I doing something wrong is it just me? HELP lol


  1. Nope - you are not alone.. I had this problem for AGES.. it sort of fixed it self suddenly - so Im of no help here.. Myabe you can try to clear the chache and cookies from your browser - or try swapping to another and see if it helps?

  2. No problems here. Sometimes it doesn't load right away though and I have to refresh the page or just try clicking around to get it.
