Friday, April 26, 2013

How do you spell HYPOCRITE???

So I am avoiding work right now but need some advise from you guys on here and I am in a bit of a delema ssssoooo...
I have been thinking a lot about my schooling I am about half way done the plane was to get a major in social and criminal justice and become a juvenile probation officer, well the only problem with that is in our small town we already have one he is not great (I know thanks to my son) but never the less he has the job so I was thinking are you kidding me I just spent all this money and now what and I have also thought about quitting school all together but I actually like school so didnt want to do that. So my youngest son has been acting out a lot more than usual and the school has told me before just let us handle it so in the past I have but now feel something different needs to happen so I called out counseling office yes the same one I bailed on to see what they could do. Most of their counselors are full main reason I got stuck with the one I did but I meet with someone yesterday. He specifically said I dont deal a lot with children but I will help and do what I can. WTF geez man here I am trying and there is not even help available for me??? so I called my AA today and was talking with him. He suggested that I do this approach. Major in Social and Criminal justice AND either psychology or sociology. This way I have more options for jobs. I poked around their catalog a bit and think sociology would be my best bet but NOW I am having a HUGE moral issue how do I help people when I am probably as messed up if not more than them?? Am I again wasting my time. Why am I so compelled to go to school to help people if my life is one big pile of shit??? I really need some advise cause I have always wanted to help kids catch it before they are adult prison inmates but my own kids in the system so if I cant fix mine why should I be paid to fixes others??/ Is any of this making sense to anyone else even? Input would be greatly appreciated thanks in advance


  1. I am a sociology major. I didn't do a think with it though. If helping people is what you enjoy and want to do then I say do it. You don't have to be perfect to help others.

  2. I think you are kind and amazing. I think given your past and your current life you would be great in being a pilar for the kids before they end up in prison..

    Our past, things we go through makes us to who we are and you can actually tell a kid in trouble you understand how they feel and be honest about it, not everyone can.

    Your kids being in the system as you call it.. Well, honey.. Lets face it, sometimes trying to fix "family" is much harder than being there for others.. in my case is because they don't respect my opinion or my life enough to bother listening to me..

    I think you should keep going and finish what you have started, if what your AA says helps you getting what you want, just go for it.. and I mean only because there is one other person with the job you want, it doesn't mean the job wont be open for you when you are done..
