Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Updates, Welcome New Followers, and Asnwer a few questions

So an update. my weight is stuck at 145 lbs even with the binge and purge the other day I am just stuck. I am not going to sit here and whine cause frankly it is my fault. I am getting very lazy I use the excuses I dont have time or I am to tired to wake up that early. well fat ass if you are not going to do anything about it do not bitch...that is my theory on life!! I did skip out on my last weigh in I just could not do it. I am so week and nasty right now I am going to have to start doing something though cause I am hating myself more and more every time I step on the scale. I again ordered pills. I dont know why I do this. I am such a loser when it comes to diet pills. When I was at my heaviest I had great success with green tea tablets, but now they cause bad kidney and bladder infections when I take them. But these are recommended by Dr. Oz...Raspberry Ketones. Hope they do something for me. They are at the post office now so cant wait till lunch to go get them!!

Camping went well...Ok as well as expected with my 14 year old daughter that hates me. she is not afraid to show it either. I basically just stayed in the camper away from her. I was thinking to myself yesterday Damn I wish I had a book. I am not a reader. Just never have time to fit it in (OMH here I go again lol. But I spent a lot of time alone this weekend and a book would have been great. I went on a few small walks but the wind blow the whole time and it was really cold out most the time. Hoping to get at least two more trips in before school starts again. Speaking of school I passed my stupid Intro to Film class with a 89% I am actually ok with that grade cause the instructor graded pretty had. On to a new 5 weeks of Phi 103 so far I think I will do ok in that class but the first weeks grades are not posted yet so we well see if this instructor grades hard.

Finally hello new followers. and to answer a few questions
Me Desruet...I stopped using Meth in the fall of 2006. We lost our house and thought maybe I should pull my head out of my ass before I lost everything else too. That is when I started gaining again. In Oct 2006 I was about 110 in April 2007 I was almost 170 lbs it was discussing!! I did not have an FB at this time. Not sure why it got deleted, it was my ED one. Not sure if I just got picked on the scan. I am not really sad I have been blogging for almost a year now and love it here. I look forward to reading what you guys have wrote every day.
Katie Elizabeth...Hope the weekend treated you well I have not gone to read your blog yet but headed there shortly. I would think I was pregnant if it was a constant bloat. It comes and goes and since I have been pregnant a few times before unfortunately your belly is there to stay for a while lol. Thanks for the laugh though.

Ok Off to catch up have to start clear back on Friday afternoon so a lot of reading to do. Take care ladies and Thanks so much to all of you for your comments, words of wisdom and letting me know you are there!!


  1. I'm sorry you're struggling some, I know the feeling of not wanting to weigh. Those little numbers hold such power over us, I know they can dictate my mood, self worth and happiness for the day. Hope you feel better soon xxx

  2. I am not weighing in myself because I need to detox first. I am sorry to hear the green tea pills did not work for you anymore. That sucks. Why is it always the stuff that does work.

    Anyway I hope you find much success with your new pills. I know I am going to be ordering some pills myself pretty soon. I could use a boost.

    Oh I am not sure if you will hear from Katie. She decided to leave her blog behind to focus on getting better. The post may still be there.

  3. hey girl!! youre one of my favorites on here :-) always feel like i relate to you!
    good luck with the class and those new pills! some girls i know swear by the Oxy Elite pro... kinda expensive though. i always get scared about taking them...
    have a great friday!
