Monday, June 18, 2012


Oh lord how I love Mondays NOT. I hate going back to work after the weekend. I hate dealing with idiots I just hate it all. So I started jogging last firday as of this morning I have cut 10 minutes off my run. The good thing is I am able to run more of it but the bad thing is it is not long enough now and will have to find a new routine. Still refraining from weighting well i unofficially weighted Saturday just could not take it. Dow 2 lbs from Tuesdays weigh. I was so proud of myself saturday. I was able to stay busy with washing my truck, yard work and helping the kids "worm" I forgot to eat. at 5:30 it dawned on me that I had not ate all day did a little happy dance in my head...but then I sssooo made up for it yesterday. I a weak and nasty. Started with my coffee then went on my job. Needed to fold clothes so while doing that I decided to grab some dry shredded mini wheats. ate them. then before my hike yesterday with the twins I made tuna fish sandwiches and ate 1 1/2 of them. Then after our hike we had some frozen yogurt and came home finished dinner and ate that. (Pork Roast and rice a roni) Then later after I put the kids to bed I was craving something sweet and since I do not keep cookies or candy around I headed for my next best thing. PB&J only have 1/2 of one of those. then I said enough is enough. was pissed at myself and went to bed so I could not eat anything else. GOD my do I do this:???

Oh and Winter about your comment unfortunately my hubby was home the day someone crashed the computer bad think is I think my 8 year old daughter is more responsible than him. sad I know. lol


  1. Congrats on your continuous jogging. I know it is hard at times and you did it before work. Huge kudos. I hate my job too. I hear you there. So tired of the management and politics at my job.

    Thanks for the response. My husband broke my laptop once. He kicked the computer on the floor. I was pissed. Lucky for me I was able to get it fix but it took 2 weeks. Longest 2 weeks ever.

  2. Ugh.. I hate Mondays too.. If I get rich some day - I will make sure to have long weekends every week ^^

    Nice job on the jogging - sorry you have to cut it down with 10 mins.

  3. Good on you for running!!
    pb&j isn't so bad don't feel too guilty.
