Wednesday, June 20, 2012

I'm trrying

I am trying a lot of things. Fristly I am trying not to dwell on the number i seen on the scale today and trying to focus more on how my pants are fitting today. The scale said 145.6 but these pants are loser than they were last week. I am trying to not hope of a miracal with the pills I bought last week. I am feeling better and they are pretty healthy so if nothing else I am at least getting vitamins in me. I am trying not to eat when I am bord at work this is very hard for me. I need a different job lol. I am trying to take it easier when things do not go according to plan and in my life this is always my husband says I am going die of a heart attach before I am 40 at the rate I am goin. I am trying to remember that my son is only 17 and needs to enjoy life while working this summer and not to put so much stress on him to be donald trump by the end of the summer.

Ok switching gears. My computer should be home soon. did you know hard drives just fail?? It was nothing anyone did it just failed. 3 weeks after my warranty was up lol. See day late and dollar short every time hahah. So total bill to get fixed is $210.00 plus is I can not get a hold of the company I bought my office 2010 program from I will have to buy a new program cause I can not find the email with the product key ANYWHERE. This is driving me crazy!!
Hope you ladies have a great day!!


  1. I love that feeling when your pants fit nicely! Its annoying when they get baggy on the bum though! xx

  2. I have no idea how that could happen. Glad they were able to fix it at least. Too bad the warranty was up..figures right? I too try not to stress so much about stuff. Hubby has been a good influence on me.

  3. i love it when my pants fit looser! :-)
    yeah my hard drive failed last year... i was scared it would be super expensive since its a mac but i got a super deal and it was only $125 including an upgraded hard drive that is twice as big! i loved how fast it was after the new one was in. good luck finding that office stuff. i hate how computers dont just come with it.... <3
    thanks for the comment

  4. I need to follow that philosophy. IF the clothes are feeling looser then you're doing something right :)

  5. I( swear things always tend to break after the warranty is up. i wonder how long mine will last? Hopefully a while. I do everything on this computer, including paying bills.

    I know it is so hard to not focus on the number on the scale. I mean it's like when it doesn't move I want to beat the heck out of it. I am glad you are not letting it get to you.

    You are doing great lady, keep up the good work.

  6. ugh.. Hard drives do die yes.. but they are pretty easy to swap if you know what part to take out and what is the right size ect.. I am so glad my hubby is geek enough to be able to do these things.. That is alot of money just to swap it.. Wouldn't it be cheaper just to get a new PC?

    The product key is normally in the disc holder.. Where the papers and stuff are.. I guess you already looked there.. you don't have to buy a new one though.. The free program called "open office" works as good as paid office.. I have been using it for years.

    And hay.. when cloths feel looser you ARE doing something right.. Don't overthink it :)

    I have been thinking about a new job too.. I love my coworkers and I don't really mind my job.. I just wish I could do more.. It would be really stupid of me to change work now though.. I am going to wait until the baby is out and I have had my parental leave.. That way I wont lose any income while I have the time off..

    What would your dream job be like?
