Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Ok sorry for my disappearance a lot has happened. The weekend of the 18th hubby and I got into a huge fight I was sleeping in different parts of the house and moved all my shit out of our room. Long story short I am a psycho jealous, insecure bitch. So we are starting to talk again and have decided to do the vegas trip by ourselves so that we can spend time together something we rarely do. I am looking forward to it. I booked the tickets today I was a little pissed cause the price has gone up about 40 dollars since we booked so late.
Weight wise I am at a loss. Last week due to all the stress of fighting and being depressed I bearly ate and guess what the scale did yep went up. I did not even weigh in on my challenge Monday cause I just could not face it. Then yesterday came the binge from hell
Half a small bag of fritos (chili cheese)
an apple
a cup of chicken noodle soup from subway
6 inch turkey on wheat from subway
2 cookies
and for dinner 2 fish sticks and fries.
I dont think I left anything out :(
So thinking I was going to punish myself and show myself the horrible damage number wise I was sure I had done yesterday I stepped on and WTF I lose a pound OMG no freakin way.

I am dead set on winning the weigh in now that my vegas trip went up in price I must stay focused an keep moving so I can burn off every nasty unneeded cal.
off to read all you lovely ladies blogs


  1. It's so weird when you over eat or starve and the scale responds with the exact opposite number of what you expected. Who knows. Glad you and hubby made up.

  2. Hope your trip goes well and glad to hear you are both back on track! Damn! you remind me of myself lol! Im like that too with my fella The fact hes 7yrs younger than me may not help either lol ;p Im 31yrs and hes 24yrs so understand some of where your coming from.

    Good luck babes although to me you look fab as you are! but its all about how you feel isnt it.
    Much love
    Wilted~Rose @}~>~ xx

  3. Dont worry - I think we all have our stalker modes :) Glad things are ok with your hubby. Being able to relax make WL so much easier
