Thursday, February 2, 2012

Your answer LULU

Ok weight gain with pregnancy and eating...
I hate to say it but none of my children were planed I guess god does know whats best cause I doubt I would have ever plan it.
When I had my first son I got pregnant at 17. I was about 115 lbs. I was sent away to a girls home for out of control teenagers for 2 years and they feed you very gross high calorie processed government food there, and not eating is not an option if you want to get out. So about 4 months into my pregnancy I was doing ok and went in for my 5 month check up and had gained 15 lbs I cried it was awful. my next month check up I gained another 10 again hysterical and swearing I did not know how I was gaining all this weight my doctor decided to do some further test. Turned out the last part of my pregnancy I developed toxemia. By the time I had my son I weighted 181 the day before. I was so depressed and hated to look at myself by the time I had him. A month after he was born I got the ok from my doctor to start exercising I had already loss half the weight from not eating but in went the video and worked my ass off. He was born in Feb. and my May I was at around 120 and feeling great again.

When I was 19 I got addicted to Meth. So when I got pregnant with my second child, my daughter at 20 I weighted about 100-110. I am very anal about harming your baby when you are pregnant so I stopped the drug use immediately. I only gained 25 lbs with her but starting out under weight my doctor was nerves but she was fine and healthy. Of course I started using meth again after she was born so the weight just fell off.
5 years later I got pregnant with my twins. My drug use was out of control they are probably the only thing that saved me at that point. again extremely under weight and barely gaining any they were 7 weeks early. I asked my doctor if it was something i had done he said no most twins come early cause there is not enough room for them. They only had to stay a week in the hospital and after 8 years they are some of the biggest children in there classes. again I went back to using meth but after losing our house and I almost lost every thing loved I got clean. I have been clean for 5 1/2 years now. I put on 60 lbs in like 4 month due to depression detox and the fear of leaving my house. In the summer of 2007 I was very suicidal and couldnt take it any more. I switch my drug addition back to my eating additions to cope. I lost 40 lbs that summer and have fought and struggled between 130-140 since it is a yo yo of numbers everyday (cause I am a freak and weigh everyday).

I am sure this was more info than you wanted to know but I wish it was just about food for me it is so much more. Dont get me wrong I would not give my children up for the lowest BMI in the world I just wish it wouldnt effect your hips or give you stretch marks but they are worth it in the end. I love my children!!


  1. You have come such a very long way! 5 1/2 years sober is awesome. Those kids really did help save you. The thought of weight gain and stretch marks totally freaks me out too! It's crazy to think that someone my age has 4 kids and I probably will never have any. Are your twins identical? Not that it matters; I'm just curious! Thanks for sharing your story.

  2. Thank you for sharing seems like you've come a long way, also thank you for your comments always makes me smile. I usual only have time to go on blogger with my phone which makes it tougher to read others but your very inspiring and strong

  3. I find your story fascinating. It took a lot of strength to get to where you are today. You should definitely be proud of it. :o)

  4. you have come so far and have gone through so much!! congrats on 5 1/2 years that really is something to be proud of! your story also reassures me that even after all this eating disorder and stuff, you can still have kids. that is always something that worries me... still does i suppose... probably always will until i have kids but it is re-assuring!
    you are awesome!!!!!!!!

  5. Really great job on being sober for 5 ½ years.. Girls are right, you should be proud..

    hmm kids.. I keep changing my mind about having them on daily basis almost.. the weight gain is one thing - but I am so afraid of having a girl and pass on my "issues"

    Take care of you.

  6. Hi! I can see you are a fighter, I'm sure you're a fantastic woman. I'm 29, used cocaine and alcohol for many years (january 9, last time I used). I relapsed like a million times but we need to be strong (btw, I think you are REALLY strong).
    About EDNOS... like a lot of therapists and ppl, I think it's at least weird and some doctors make that diagnosis because "it's easier". Never mind, I just wanted to say that you seem to be a great person, strong, and I love your blog. Thanks for sharing.
