Thursday, February 9, 2012

Everything is up and down???

So hubby and I had a huge fight last night not even sure what started it or why it turned so ugly but I slept on the couch and will probably remain there for awhile and to make matters worse his mom and step dad will be here tomorrow. my house is trashed and I really just cant stand them. My hubby made some shit comment that he is sick of working so hard to give me the materialist life I think i need??? WTF are you serious I will admit I like things but fuck all mighty I get most my shit off ebay, clearance racks or garage sales. so now I think when my new clothes that I ordered from (all sale items) and my smart phone (free with my upgrade) get here I will just send them back. I mean really if shit continues like this there is no fucking way I am going to spend 4 days in Vegas with that douche anyways so who needs clothes. and as far as my phone goes I have had this one for over 4 years why get a new one and pay the $20.00 per month data plan???

The only thing that is exciting is my weight I stepped on the scale this morning and it said 140.0 almost to the 130's I will be so happy that even an out of control fight will not get me down. I went to a kick boxing class last night it was pretty cool. I am stiff and just a bit sore but nothing to bad, I would probably be sorer but I kept getting loss and would have to stop and figure out what they were doing again lol.

Ok I am done bitching about my pathetic life is you read this thanks!


  1. the things one buys on ebay cost practically nothing, so your husband could stop bother =.=
    I feel you, I hate to receive people at home when there's a bad mood and plus I don't like that people...geez, I hate it!
    What to say, good luck for tomorrow and stay strong!
    Love, Jay :)

  2. I don't think you should send the stuff back.. Keep it..
    Also.. Menn can be dicks.. Even if we love them ect.. but they are dicks.. so just ignore it and enjoy the stuff you ordered, its not like you went on a unreasonable shopping spree..

    Kick boxing is so fun, and such an amazing way to get rid of frustration while burning insane calories.. :)

  3. Sorry you and hubby had a fight. Hopefully it will blow over. I'd keep the stuff too but just try to be careful in the future since you know it's a "hot button" for him. But really, you should be able to buy things now and then like anyone else! Good job on the weight.

  4. Hopefully he'll either forget about this fight or realize how stupid it was to fight over items that cost next to nothing.

    Great job on the loss!

    You're life is not pathetic.
