Thursday, November 17, 2011

Thanks ladies

Thanks for your comments girlies. Makes me feel less crazy when people comment that even if it is in a small way they have some of the same thoughts.

Had another strange thought last night/ this morning. My hubby does not have large hands or anything so I love it when he puts his hands on top of my shoulder and it drapes down or sorry this one is TMI grabs my butt check and it doesnt mush out the end, but here is my point for a brief second I will feel skinny or tiny or fragile and then I will get on the scale and I will weight a LBS more than the last time I weighed. it drives me crazy or I will be feeling really fat and nasty and step on the scale and that is the lowest weight of the week. I think my mind plays tricks on me to try and make me crazy lol.
I dont know I am just off right now I guess.

1 comment:

  1. I experience similar thoughts, I can wake up in the morning feeling really small then weigh and i've gained a pound. Or walk through town looking at my refection in all the windows feel like an elephant but that day ive reached a new low weight. I hate it, never knowing how I really feel about myself until I step on the scales!

