Thursday, November 3, 2011


Sweets are my downfall. I love candy, cookies, cakes if it has sugar I want it. and to make things worse there is candy everywhere I go lately. In the office, in my car, in my home, discounted at the store OMG people enough!!! So I have not weighed in since Monday morning I just cant see a higher number right now. The last two days my cal intake was to be at 500 I went over a bit Tuesday because I really wanted some mashed potatoes for dinner, but then did 50 jumping jacks and 25 squats to make up for it. yesterday I made it but only because all I ate was shitty ass candy. Today my intake is 300 cals so far gum and coffee fingers crossed I can make it till dinner tonight were I am only eating a small bowl of soup. So saturday I will take measurements and post them.

Thanks to weighless for your comment it make me smile and to Cryotaneko there was another girl how was about a foot shorter and 100 lbs heavier than me wearing my same costume saturday night I was pissed cause in the small town I live in I had to order mine and my hubbys costume and spent alot of money and really wanted to be the only queen of hearts out there. Oh well so is life right.

1 comment:

  1. I can't resist sweets either!! It's like they call out to me and I'm not satisfied till I have them.... I know how you feel. When I cave I chew and chew and chew to make one little piece last forever. Then I leave wherever I am. Like go on a walk....
