Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Happy b-day to my Twins and to answer Janes questiom

It is my twins b-day today they are 8 years old. It has been a crazy ride so far and I am sure we are not done yet. Having children changes you but having 2 children at once insures you will never be the same again lol.

I am really excited to bring their cupcakes to school. I love doing that I think it is one of your "highlighted mom" moments. My mom was a huge alcoholic so doing something like that was out of the question completely for me and my siblings and then my b-day is in June so school was already out by then. All my childrens b-day are during school and after 6th grade I get a little sad cause I dont get to do it any more.

To answer your Question Jane, first there is hardly ever junk food at my house. Cookies, ice cream candy very rare. Seconds I just keep myself busy with cleaning and stuff so I dont think about eating. Also working a full time job really helps no one at my house knows I hardly eat. Dinner is very important for me to eat in front of my family though. I do not ever want to pass this on to my children. I fix dinner there for I can regulate what we have. I try and cook healthy foods low carb, and not alot of box items. Something that helps which I am not proud of is I am a purger. I hate it but it is my fall back plan all the time.

I just want to say thanks again to all my followers the comments and support are great I hate feeling alone and you girls are the best!!!!


  1. That makes sense. Great plan. I can't blame you for purging and I surely won't judge. All of this stuff, tho...scares me. Maybe I just won't ever have kids. I dunno. Nevermind that. Happy Bday to your twins! Mom Moments Rock!!! You are amazing.

  2. You sound like an awesome mom :) I never wanted the attention, but between the two of them at least one ought to be thrilled. Still catching up on your blog :)
