Monday, October 3, 2011

Great Weekend

Hi everyone hope you also had a great weekend. I was at hunting camp all weekend with the fam. Went on a few walks with the kids and dogs. Watch what I ate and relaxed. No phone tv friends drama it was great. I hated having to leave last night but kids had school and I have work. I am not sure if I have plateaued or i am building a lot of muscle but weight is still 140.8 has not moved. I think I need to go to more extreme measures and eat as little as possible and maybe even no meat till I drop more weight? I am off to read everyone elses blog...some times 2 days feels like forever.


  1. That sounds so peaceful. Sometimes it is nice to just turn the computer off, leave the phone behind and spend time doing something relaxing. xx

  2. What is your height, dear? I don't remember if you told me.

  3. sounds like a great weekend!! the scale is a weird contraption that i think lies sometimes. just stay focused and think thin and the numbers will go down. we will not let ourselves gain that "extra insulation" for the winter time. thats what layers are for :-)
    love! <3
