Friday, September 9, 2011

Not hard enough

So far I have pissed this month away...Was doing pretty good till Monday night and since then it has been nothing but a jerky and popcorn binge. I have wanted to purge but have also been fighting horrible tooth ache off and on.
I have been doing alot of research on digestive systems and what not and have bought some Probiotics tablets to help aid in my digestive problems. They were much cheaper than Align or Activia.

I am waiting for my new Zumba workout DVD to get here. I went on quite a shopping spree this week. DVD. @ pairs of really cute pants (to small for me of course) and some shoes. I miss going to zumba so can not wait of my DVD.

I want you all to know that I love seeing that I have followers it really does make live better. And I want to say just cause I was not writing this week dont think I dont care about all of you, I was still reading and concerned.

Write more later.


  1. don't worry, now that you got all that binging out of your system use it as motivation to get right back on track :)

  2. What Weightless said :) And popcorn and jerky are far from the worst binge foods, as far as calories go. Good luck!

  3. <3 You will do great <3 just post often if you need support, we're always here for you.
