Monday, July 18, 2011

Wish I knew what was wrong with me

WOW I just can not shake this completely tiered feeling. and not like I have not gotten enough sleep tired but like it takes ever ounce of strength to hold my head up raise my arms or just breath. I hope it passes soon cause I feel so lazy because of it. Had a pretty good weekend I entered my duramax into a truck and tractor pull took second everyone says pretty good job for doing it wrong lol. then we hit the bar after I just love the social seen really I could be like Paris Hilton and love life lol. Just wanted to tell Maggie thanks for the help and the comments it is nice to get feed back from people.


  1. I know what do you mean...I wish I knew too what is wrong with me, why I feel so empty!!!

    Stay strong,


  2. Figured I'd return your comment on my blog XD

    I'm sorry you're feeling so crappy but it's helpful to know that other people are going through the same thing. I've met some awesome girls on Blogger and on ED forums and they've really gotten me through some tough times.

    Stay strong and feel free to email me if you ever want to talk <3

