Thursday, July 21, 2011

Getting Crazy

I dont know why I go though this phases??? I feel like everything is so out of control life school kids ect. when really if I take a long hard look it is no difference than any other time in my life. I hate the word control I swear in the dictionary there is a pic of me losing my mind under that word. I just always feel like I am losing the fight. It feels like a slow painful death.

In other news the derby trucks are almost finished I am so excited about that. I am worried I will die though. Guys are ruthless when a girl enters anything like this I know I have done it before. If any of you are wondering what I am talking about go to youtube and type in truck Derby and just watch. lol...

really nothing else right now just wishing school would start again I hate the chaos that is all around my house during the summer. As far as weight I have not even got on the scale since last week. I have been avoiding it like a puke spot on the floor. (sorry to graphic I know) I feel fat there for I am fat end of discussion!!


  1. Sorry you're feeling down :( Hang in there and stay strong hun, it'll get better <3

  2. I'm so sorry you feel like getting crazy!!! Sometimes I feel I'll freak ou soon...

    I'm here, if you need me!!

    Stay strong,

