Monday, July 9, 2012

Some reverse thinspo to start the week

Sorry I have not posted in awhile I am on here just reading and commenting but really have nothing new or even positive to say so as the saying goes if you dont have nothing nice to say do say anything at all. Man it has been hot were I live up in the 80 I know most of you have just read that and are like WTF really but that is very hot for were I live. We have a huge forest fire about two mountain ranges from my house kinds scarey I check on it like 10 times a day to keep updated. We have a fire ban where we live right now so we did not get to do fireworks on the 4th kinda a bummer. So I finally got to go to the lake yesterday it was amazing I love going to the lake.
So below is a little reverse thinspo for you all. Well I am the other two are some of my skinny hot besties. see what I have to deal with when we go out yep the fat friend that is me in the blue. So if I can very remember to bring my bag of salad from home to work I will try and only eat that. My sister has been doing these shake things and says she has lost like 10 lbs so far I think she has been doing it almost a month. She has not had any solid food the whole time she has been doing this. I am going to go see her saturday so I think I am going to get some for sure I have got to do something and since I think I am to good to exercise starvation seems like I only hope. Well I am off you catch up with all you lovelies!!



  1. You look good! Seriously! When you said reverse thinspo I was confused b/c all the ladies in the pic look good. I can see some definition around your tummy...maybe not to the extent of the one on the left but you do look good. You are clearly so hard on yourself! I honestly didn't know what you looked like but definitely not that good based on what you were saying. You certainly don't look like you've had kids.

  2. Thanks I will never look as good as either one. the one in middle is my skinniest friend she is like 5 ft. 3 in and sssoooo tiny. The one in the zebra suit goes to the gym a lot. she has only had one child also. oh and did i mention I am like 8 years older than both of them :( thanks for the great comments thou!!

  3. You look great! I mean jesus I can't even get away with wearing a 2 piece in public. Your other friends look okay but I actually noticed you first and that was before I even read the post. It's not because they are thinner than you it just felt

    Holy crap you are 8 years older than them and you look like that! I hope to get close to that within the next couple of months lol.

    It is nice to hear from you. Oh and I will be praying for the safety of your family where you are at. We had really bad fires here where I live last summer. It was awful.

  4. you do look amazing!! And I agree - you are being hard on your self. And the age dif.. I mean come on! you rock!!!

    From my experience the shake diets always backfire - 1 because they normally contain LOADS of sugar (nutrilett smoothies here have like 30 grams of suger - it freaked me out :S ).. Second.. Since you aren't used to eating - as soon as you start eating.. the body reacts and it all backfires..

    This rutine, how ever has worked for me .. And it is probably cause its realy high protein, and low carb.. and you feel full for longer.

    I'm gonna copy paste the plan for you too incase the link doesn't work.

    Here is a simple outline of the diet.
    Drink a 30-40 gram meal replacement shake for breakfast.
    Drink a 30-40 gram meal replacement shake for lunch.
    Eat a salad for dinner with 1-2 chicken breasts and vinegar based dressing.
    If you are especially hungry, eat an apple after dinner.
    If you are still hungry, eat a cup of cottage cheese before bed.
