Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Is it to much to ask

First before I get into my psycho drama filled post I want to tell you all thanks so much for the great comments. They helped me out this morning when I really needed to feel ok about myself. THANK YOU ALL so much!!!

I am so freakin pissed right now. My daughter has a new friend she is 15 almost a year older than her and I really dont like her. she sleeps around and hangs out with much (in their 20s) old boys not for my daughter. She makes me feel very uncomfortable and insucure really not what I need in my own house. I think my main problem is she reminds me of when I was young. I thought I was only good for a piece of ass thanks to the uncle that started molesting me at 5. I think of her as my karmic punishment for making older women feel bad about themselves when I was a teen and for sleeping with their husbands and boyfriends since I was 5. So to top it off I was having my coffee this morning and scrolling though facebook and I see her skanky fucking ass in my swim suit bottoms are you fucking kidding me. you had the balls the nerve to go in my bathroom at my house wear my bottoms next to your nasty fucking over used crock and post a pic of it on facebook. I am just apauled really. so I wrote her a nice little note left it on the table along with the top and told her to enjoy MY suit!!! It is on I will be skinny I will be hot so my husband looks at me and not her. really with the way my life is going I do not need to feel this way about myself right now. And the worst part as if I do not wake up every morning feeling fat and disgusting it is a million times worse now. and I have done nothing but cried since I seen that pic. God I really hate myself!!


  1. Oh my fuck, this is a perfect reason why i could never be a parent. I would fucking kill that little swimsuit stealing ho-bag! Without sounding bitchy, you don't think maybe your insecurities about your husband looking at her are a little bittttttttt teeny tiny bit overdramatic? Just because those other men from your past were like that, doesn't mean your husband is. I know that so often i project my insecurities onto other people and your hubby. I mean. He's your husband. Anyway, kick that little bitches ass out of your house! Your house, your rules! xo

  2. She must be the twin of my half sis..

    first I want to say that what you did as result of being molested is not your fault.. I had the same reaction (to me it happened when I was around 10 and didnt stop well until my ex before my hubby).. So there is no karma here - just a brat being a brat..

    Second - I want you to know that you already look amazing.. Do take care of what makes you feel bad - but really.. You need to see what the rest of us can see - aka that you look amazing!

    And at the end - I want to ditto what Fat Piggy says... Kick the stupid biches ass out of your house.. It is your house, your kid - and your stuff!


  3. Okay first of all. This girl is just your daughter friend in this is your house. You and hubby need to set down some rules. I was not allowed to have any one in the house without asking and it could only be once or twice a week at the most I could have company. My dad made it very clear our house is not a hang out spot.

    That girl sounds disgusting. I hope your daughter has remembered what you and hubby thought her does nothing this girl is doing. My mom would have banned her from sitting foot in our house if she saw that girl wearing her swimsuit. That is just so nasty. What is wrong with her.

    You are beautiful Linny. You are so right about not needing this right now. You need to get focused on classes, work, and toning up so you tell that 15 year old bitch to shove it.

  4. Oh my...
    That girl sounds like bad news. I would be so PISSED if some lil snot came into MY house and had the nerve to go into MY bedroom and wear MY stuff. I think I'd... I don't even want to think about it, lol.
    She's a lil slut (sorry for the word choice but, really, she is)and what? 15? Don't even LET that little snot make you feel bad about yourself. It's not even worth it. She's not even worth your time. And you know? Set some rules for your own daughter. Maybe sit down and explain to her how you feel or something. I don't know... Maybe just get a lock for the outside of your bedroom door and lock it up when you're not home... lol.
    I'm new to reading but man, I'm sorry to hear all of that. I hope things look up for you soon. And really don't let her get to you. You have better things to worry about then some lil child.
    Take care <3

  5. Oh wow, that girl really has some nerve and that's a good reason to ban her from the house... or come to think of it, I don't know if it's such a good idea. She sounds troubled, testing your limits and if you kick her out, what are the odds that you manage to keep your daughter in and away from her. So I'd rather invite her in more often to keep your daughter close and make sure you can cut in when ever is needed.

    Don't let that little trouble seeker get to you. She's just trying to dig blood from her own nose and sooner or later she'll get it. Then I hope that she has some place to ran to... I bet you know how it is. People like that make me always want to ask that what's your story.


  6. "I think my main problem is she reminds me of when I was young. I thought I was only good for a piece of ass thanks to the uncle that started molesting me at 5. (...) when I was a teen and for sleeping with their husbands and boyfriends since I was 5."

    THIS is sooo so horrible, i cannot understand why noone seems to realize how horrid that is, you poor poor thing! and even though this girl behaves absolutely unacceptable (and i hope you keep her away from your daughter, i wish my parents would have kept me from those "friends") i still feel a little sry for her as well IF (only IF) she had gone through the same hell as you.

    you are very brave,
    with love
