Monday, July 30, 2012

Holy Hell I am sore!!!

So thanks all for your support on my last post nice to know that others feel the way I do about the situation and I was not complete off my rocker lol. And to winter A I have many of my childrens friends numbers in my phone as does my hubbies just so that if we can not get a hold of our children we have back up numbers to start hunting them down. I have had to take this approach before to locating them. Hubby and I are still walking on egg shells a bit with each other and we are like wild animals with sudden movement (attach and defend at will) not the best but we really are working on it and I this that communication class I am in could not have happened at a better time I am trying to apply what I am learning to better my communication issues which are HUGE lol.

So saturday was our derby and if any of you were following me last year I won this year I did not :( but it was still fun hubby came in 2nd so at least we keep it in the fam. I tried to post the vid on here but couldnt if any one is smarter than me at this feel free to tell me how and I will try lol


  1. Thank you! That makes perfect sense. My parents never did anything like that. We were always given a time limit. I am talking short at that to spend with our friends. We had to tell them where we were going before we left. It got easier once we got our own cell phones and cars. They did have our boyfriend's number though 0_o

    Sorry you did not come in 1st place this year. You did complete the race so that is a total plus! I have never done anything like that but I would like to in the future.

    Yeah I am sure you two would be careful after that. Hopefully after some time everything will get back to normal.

    Quick little story. I screwed up before hubby and I got married. I told him the truth. It took years in all honesty for him to move past it. Almost 3 to be exact. The roles was reversed last year as he started an emotional affair with some girl over the xbox live. He denied it for months. He didn't come clean about it until after we got married. I don't know why he just didn't tell before. I already knew and confronted him about.

    Whatever point is now everything is as it should be. It's strange because right now we are stronger than ever but a lot can happen over the years. I am hoping the 6 years of up and downs before the marriage was all the bad....

    Nice to hear from you and thank you for setting me straight ;-)

  2. Aww.. Sorry you didn't win :(
    That said, GJ and GL on the communication thingi. I really think communication is the key to solving almost all issues.

    With the video - I think the easiest way is to upload it to youtube or something similar and then use the public link on the blog.
