Tuesday, April 17, 2012

If life was any better I would wish I was died.

I am a bottomless pit of emotions right now. I have no idea what is wrong with me. I hate everything and anything. If I could just stay in bed or a hot bath I would. I hate that I am to poor to deal with my depression. I cant afford meds and I cant just sleep it away either. so then I get mean and moody. hateful and full of resentment. RSVP a spot at a pity party for one.

I hate hate hate the hospital. They are garnishing my wages which means 25% of what I make will be going to them for 3 months. Now dont get me wrong I know I have to pay my bill but fuck I didnt pay them for 2 months so that I could pay other bills that I had neglected then I send them my payment for april and 2 days later I get garnishment papers are you fucking kidding me. gggrrr To top it off I will get a huge lecture from my better than thou boss how married into money and does not have to worry about it. I mean shit she bought a lexus and had it paid off in two years. god i am sick of life. i am stick of everything. I work hard and work honestly and this is how i am repaid. frankly i think if a fucking hospital visit was not $500.00 a trip people would not have such a hard time paying them. and it is not like a run to the docs all the time. I even go as far as super gluing my childrens cuts closed first before i take them in. I mean really I have to resort to super glue??? god I am just in such a shitty mood now and do not even want to hear it from my fucking boss.


  1. sounds like you're going through a horrible rough and stressful time :( I hope that you can do your best at staying strong although nobody can expect you to, <3 hang in there

  2. That sounds horrible! I can't imagine having to pay hospital bills or anything like that. It's ridiculous. An your boss seems like a bitch who needs to fall down a ditch. Honestly, I cannot stand people who like to lecture you because they think they are so much better.

  3. Money problems suck. There is no other way to say it. I'm so sorry things are so hard. It does suck to work so hard an not get ahead. I hope things get better for you soon. Your boss has no business commenting on your money trouble or your garnishment. As if she'd know anything about that kind of thing anyway.

  4. oh this sounds horrible..

    I don't understand why your boss would dare to say anything.. ugh..

    Money problems sucks - I really hope you can figure out something :(

