Monday, January 7, 2013

Oh Monday????

So I did not get my measurements taken because friday night I ended up calling an ambulance for my grandpa because he was in so much pain I could not get him to the car. His pneumonia has came gave and is damaging his lung. I am now trying to quit smoking, in 40 years I do not want that to be me. I have been using my e-cig and hope to wing myself off that soon. I think I have done pretty good. I always use the excuse I dont want to gain weight but really I know many people that have quit and did not gain much weigh after so that is going to be me :)
WinterA I look forward to your guys comments do ever thing you have over stepped a line. I do not know what my daughters problem is except she wants to be a grown up. she is the middle child and sees what her brothers (almost 18 and almost 22) do and I guess she figures that at 14 she can do it to and we fight. She does play her dad and I which causes tension between us. Sometimes I think she wants us to leave each other so she can live with him and then lord knows what will happen to her. She also has friends without a lot of parental supervision and she thinks I should be more like them.
Everyone else thanks for the concern about my grandparents it is nice to hear. We are working though it. Since I admitted him friday night he is doing much better and hopefully is seeing that if he does not take care for himself he will be suck in there forever.
Not much else to write about, it is starting to warm up on -5 this morning so here hoping for better weather lol. so I am going to go catch up on blogs take care ladies and talk later.


  1. Some people see the damaging effects of cig's and STILL don't ever quit. I'm glad you are going to try to kick the habit. It will be worth it!

  2. Props to you for wanting to quit. I, myself, find it too relaxing to quit. But I praise and admire anyone who can do it. I'm glad that your grandfather is doing better since being admitted. Hope it warms up a bit more for you darlin.

  3. I hope your grandfather improves Linny
    I'll keep him in my thoughts

    I'm trying to quit too Linny after smoking everyday for 14 years
    I hate that I'm a smoker and I just can't afford it anymore
    But yes the weight gain thing always holds me back
    Best of luck trying to quit

    Stay warm sweetheart x

  4. I quit smoking when I was 21 and don't regret it at all :) Gl hon <3
