Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Aug. :(

I have to say august is one of the most busiest months for me and it stresses me to the max. Just got hubbies reunion over with that is always the highlight lol. Not really I hate his family they think they are so much better than everyone...are you freakin kiddin me not even close. Then this weekend I have to go school clothes shopping my older kids start on the 20th younger one next month but cant make two trips to the big sity for shopping. Then on the 18th I have my hibbys company picnic my kids love this bouncy houses free cotton candy and snow cones they really go all out for their employees. And I would like to get one more trip to the lake in since I only went once this year. WOW that exhaust me just typing it lol.

So I have decided to give Piggys weight loss challenge a try I hate exercising and the plan not eating is taking forever to loss weight with. So maybe if I have to post my fat status every week I will get off my ass put the beer can down and do something.Starting the challenge at 140.8 I do have to agree with Sunshinechild about fall/winter clothes I am looking forward to wearing mine again to. My teeth are starting to hurt because for the last couple weeks if I eat something I think I have to purge it no matter the amount I think it needs to come up. My teeth are shit as it is and now they are just getting worse. Ok well this was a mindless babbling post up just wanted to say hi. you girls are always so great about letting me know you are around thanks again. Write more later


  1. Thanks for the update Linny. You sound like you are doing well and that makes me smile as for this month. Yeah just reading all you have to do made me tired lol. The lake part sounds fun, school shopping not so much. I still remember me and my sister's budget for school clothes. Let's see this was in 2000, the budget was $100. We had to make it work.

    The company picnic sounds awesome. The location I am at, they suck when it comes to stuff like that but my old location same company was good with stuff like that.

    I forgot to post in my post my starting weight for piggy's challenge. Yeah I think it will be fun to do.

    Sorry about your teeth. Teeth are so hard to keep up to par anyways. Even now I am struggling as I see them turning yellow and more yellow which is annoying the heck out of me as I keep trying to save them. I think I would have to get that professional whitening thing done but who has money for that?

    Take care and look forward to hearing from you soon.

  2. Take good care of you hon and I hope you have some fun even with august being loads of stress.

  3. So much stuff to do!! Some of it sounds like lots of fun :)
    I'm doing Piggy's weight loss challenge too. I think it'll be good motivation to not binge so much! I hope your teeth feel better soon, and take care :)

  4. My teeth are ruined too.
    I have a toothache as I type this
    Hope August works out ok for you

    Much love x

  5. Hi :) only started following recently, so still playing catch up. I'm doing piggy's challenge too and I'm definitely the heaviest and highest BMI of the group. Terrified but hoping it'll keep me on track! Sounds like you have a lot on in August! You'll get through! Good luck! x

  6. well you got ten days down now! im sure with you being crazy busy the time will fly! and when the kids go to school you will have more you time! :-)
    stay strong girl!!

  7. hay.. hope everything is OK.. Just wanted to drop by and say I miss you..

    Take good care hon!
