Tuesday, May 29, 2012

No Title

So I had a shitty 3 day weekend. It rained sssoooo much oh and snowed yea it was nice. My children were driving me crazy sunday. I exercised down stairs nothing outside though. The baby shower I went to was good. Love hanging with my friends but I just wish they new what their laying did to my self esteem and self worth. I am sure that gaining a lot during your pregnancy is hard but it is also hard on my when your stomach is hanging over your pants oh and your pants are not even done up and you are walking around bragin that you are in a size 7 WTF I am a size 7 and ppplllleeeeaaassseee tell me I look better than you. Ok I am sorry I know she just had a baby less than a month ago and I know that she is like 4-5 inches shorter than me but she has to be a good 20 lbs heavier and in a size 7. Then to top it off my rreeaallyyy skinny we are talking like 5 ft 3 in and 90 lbs friend informs me today she feels fat OMG are people trying to send me over the deep end?? and then tells me her legs hurt so bad from working why the hell is she working out. Fuck I am destined to be the fat friend in our little group forever. I have just been so pissed that I cant be skinny for like 2 days now and to top it off my fat ass has eat 900 cals in trail mix today jesus jack ass no wonder you are fat. I need to figure out WTF my problem is. I am going to the store tonight and buying apples enough so that if I eat at work I only have 2 apples a day and if I eat more that the aloted two then I have nothing else I can eat. I can do this I only have a few days before my b-day (sorry guys I am sure you are sick of this) and i would lllooovvvveeee to see 139 on the scale friday morning!!


  1. Thanks for the follow sweetie. I always have felt like the fat friend in the group. Now I'm the anorexic friend that everyone feels sorry for. I hate it. I'm never good. Keep your head up sweetie. I am also a mama and my boys are constantly driving me insane lol. I'm always here to talk =)

  2. Wow you sure that 90lb girl is not names Hasfa. Sorry she is a girl I knew at 90lb and she was constantly whining about feeling fat but she later admitted it was for attention. Smh.

    Anyway I am sorry to hear about your weekend. I don't know what you are now but maybe you can be 139 by friday. The most important thing is to try to get back on track with your eating plan.

    I do this but it usually takes me 2-3 days to get back in the groove of things. It's hard don't get me wrong but I have to make it this time. I will be thing by May next year.

  3. I don't blame you for being annoyed and venting! It's hard to just feel like you aren't reaching your goals and not doing what you set out to do. Stick with the apples. You just need to get a hold of your willpower when it comes to food which is super hard. You can do it.

  4. That's actually so funny, because my mom always says that to me. She always goes on about how she was a size 8 and so skinny... blah blah and I'm a size 8 (4) now and atleast20lbs less than she was. I also tried to explain that theres a difference between looking like a stuffed sausage in your size 8 jeans and being an 8 because that's how big you are. And I'm sure you will see that number before your bday. I have done the apple diet and it works really really well. You can also make apple chips, which are just baked apple thiiiin slices with cinnimon and splenda. I haven't made them yet, but apparently they are yummy as fuck. Maybe a low cal alternative to the trail mix? Crunchy and satisfying but super low cal?

  5. I'm sick of being the fat friend too!! I'm sure your not but I understand where your coming from.
    Stay strong lovely xxx
