Thursday, September 29, 2011

Weird Dream

Ok I am the type of person that thinks everything has a meaning or a reason so I might just be over analyze this but last night I dreamt about ANA. I had a dream she was asking me to go do things with her though my facebook. I meet her at the gym or go on a job it was so weird and the worst thing was it was on my reg. facebook. I dont have an ED one any more.

In all my years I can not ever remember dreaming about food or anything ED related other than I am skinny and hot in my dreams. God this just feels like a how new level of crazy to me or it is my own way of telling myself to stop being a slacker and kick my will power up and take action OMG I dont know I just cant stop thinking about it.


  1. I never really had dreams ed related either besides eating a ton of food in my dreams. I think it has something to do with the fact that I blog about it all the time the reality has become a bigger part of my life and now I dream about it almost every night

  2. I have ED dreams too often. They tend to freak me out a little bit.
    Aren't dreams meant to reflect on what we want to/wish we could do in real life or something? It's meant to be what's in your subconscious thoughts I think . x
